
Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

atlantis the lost continent

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 - Book titled Nusantara civilization of Atlantis which has just been published by Publisher Ufuk was not showing studies and scientific proof of the existence of pyramids in Mount Lalakon located in Bandung Soreang area. Discussion about Mount Lalakon and Mount Sadahurip alleged pyramid store building, in this book shelled in the last chapter (Chapter 15) with the portion that was not too much, just four pages of a total of 540 pages. The last chapter entitled 'the remains of Atlantis Pyramid Lalakon Archipelago? " that does not include test results geoelectric, georadar test results, or results of seismic testing on the Mount or Mount Sadahurip Lalakon. Practical information about Mount Lalakon and Sadahurip in the book is arguably merupakanrangkuman information that already exists in the media and in the pages of history lovers Facebook community of the archipelago. Whereas before, the publisher said the book includes details about the results of exploratory research at Mount Lalakon. "This book is not written as an academic study, because we are not a person who has a background in that field," said Oman Abdurrahman, a team of authors of this book, at the launch of this book at Paramadina University campus, Thursday July 28, 2011While the authors other books, Ahmad Y Samantho say that this book is an attempt to challenge the former head of Indonesian Institute of Sciences Prof. Umar Jenie Anggara and former Chairman of the Constitutional Court Jimly Ashiddiqie to the people of Indonesia to make a book about the continent of Atlantis, which is estimated to be in the archipelago. In line with Samantho, according to Oman, the book is solely intended to inspire all parties to continue actively in elaborating and mengksplorasi possibilities of the archipelago as a continent of Atlantis. Hypothesis la Santos and Oppenheimer In addition, this book also wrote many hypotheses as revealed by Arysio Santos and Stephen Oppenheimer, the two foreign scholars who believed that continent of Atlantis is located in Indonesia. This book was a series of 'Atlantis Series' launched by the publishers Ufuk. Before this Ufuk also published a book titled the same translation of the work of Professor Arysio Santos titled 'Atlantis, The Lost Continent Finally Found', and Professor Stephen Oppenheimer's book titled 'Eden in the East, The Drowned Continent of Southeast Asia'. In launching the book this time, cultural Radar Panca Dahana said that what's in this book, are hypotheses that are difficult to prove. "We're not going to find a scientific justification or statement that could prove the truth of the existence of Atlantis in Indonesia," said Radar. At least, according to Radar, the facts of history is enough to prove that there was a great civilization in the history of the archipelago, and for this is still a lot of pent-up due to various political reasons. "Maybe this will prove just about a century to come," said Radar. 

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